Tuesday 26 May 2009

Mentee of the year award 2008/9

During the summer of 2008, I worked voluntarily at Pickfords House Museum, Derby
as part of the University of Derby, Career Development Mentoring Scheme.
I was involved in a wide range of work, including working with costumes and hats after flooding occurred, checking museum catalogues, archiving, and assisting in varied range of other activities. I thoroughly enjoyed the work, two days were never the same. I also assisted with the preparations for the opening of the new military gallery within the Derby Art Gallery and Museum.
My mentor, Elizabeth Spencer, was so impressed with my dedication and enthusiasm that she nominated me for the award, which I was presented with at the awards evening on 13th May 2009. The nomination said that only I 'could turn a flood disaster into a learning opportunity'.
I had enjoyed this part of the work as I was unpacking many boxes of hats that I would not have had the opportunity to see otherwise, and many of them had lace on, which is my passion. Therefore it was a fantastic opportunity.

Thank you to Christine at Career Development for the support and to Elizabeth for being a fantastic mentor, for infectious enthusiasm which rubbed off.


1 comment:

  1. Well done Louise, I hope that this helps you to gain the employment that you desire. Good luck with your masters!!

